About Streamline Writing Classes


Learn In Community

While writing itself is a wonderfully solitary endeavor, learning does not happen in a vacuum. Streamline Writing Classes use Zoom to recreate the engagement and interactivity between writers that is so important when discussing master works, discovering our own gems, and cultivating artistic relationships. In short, Streamline Writing Classes offer the opportunity to build a writerly community. The community we build together is the force that will sustain and nurture you and your work far into the future. Community is arguably the most vital component in keeping our light for writing alive and bright.

Time Built In To Write

Most beginning writers struggle with finding the time to write. We can be stretched between work, family or school. That’s why Streamline Writing Classes build in time to write during each class session. While you will be encouraged to find time to revise and generate throughout the week, you’ll know for certain that once a week, you will be asked to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Customized writing prompts are designed to spark your authenticity and imagination.

The Work We Do Together

Depending on the class format, we do a variety of work together. In any class format, we will focus our learning through mentor texts, and generate new work with the help of multiple customized writing prompts. Longer class formats allow for a more in-depth exploration of your work through written instructor feedback and workshop. Shorter class formats allow for a manageable time commitment while engaging students in the worlds of literature and writing. We meet once a week via Zoom.

Shorty: 2 class meetings: Learning + Generation

Mid: 4 class meetings: Learning + Generation + Written Instructor Feedback

Long: 8-10 class meeting (depending on workshop size): Learning + Generation + Written Instructor Feedback + Workshop